L. Marie LLC



You can handle thought-provoking conversations. In fact, you insist on them. You never shy away from an opportunity to become sharper, stronger, wiser. Your mission in life to lift and propel others demands that you to be clear, diligent, focused… never losing sight of your goals and your why. Let’s connect to discuss how one-on-one or team coaching can help you immediately and long- term.
“Coaching is a conversation for the courageous.
It is client-centered, goal-specific, excuse-prohibited,
and results-oriented.”

- L. Marie


You work with remarkably talented people, and sometimes you
want to equip them with unique motivation and training to
move your mission forward, faster. You know your work is less
about you and more about equipping those around you with the
inspiration and resources they need to excel. As a speaker and
trainer, I focus on topics that ignite candor, courage, and
creativity, propelling you and your team to action and optimal

“Life. It’s not about you.
But you can be amazing in it!”

- L. Marie


Your thought leadership is sharpened by real challenges, experiences, successes, and yes, real failures. You’ve learned a lot. What if it’s time to broaden your impact through publication? Through articles and maybe even your own memoir or book on your unique leadership experiences, others can learn from you and become better, stronger leaders too. I have over 20 years of publishing experience — let’s discuss how to make your publishing projects happen.